The Quietest Room in the World: The $5 Million Dollar Challenge Winner [2024] 🏆

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience absolute silence? To be in a place where even the faintest sound is completely absorbed? Well, we have an incredible story to share with you. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to discover the quietest room in the world, a place so silent that it has won a $5 million dollar challenge. Get ready to be amazed!

Quick Answer

The quietest room in the world, located at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis, is an anechoic chamber that holds the Guinness World Record for the quietest place on Earth. It absorbs 99.9% of sound and has a sound level of (-)24.9 dbA. The room has been used for various purposes, including product sound design and research. You can even rent it through the “Orfield Challenge” for $600 an hour. It’s an extraordinary place that offers a unique sensory experience like no other.

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Quick Tips and Facts

  • The quietest room in the world is located at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis.
  • It holds the Guinness World Record for the quietest place on Earth.
  • The room absorbs 99.9% of sound and has a sound level of (-)24.9 dbA.
  • The anechoic chamber is made of steel panels covered in acoustical wedges of fiberglass.
  • It has been used for product sound design and research.
  • You can rent the room through the “Orfield Challenge” for $600 an hour.

Background: Orfield Laboratories and the Anechoic Chamber

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Let’s start by diving into the background of Orfield Laboratories and the creation of the anechoic chamber. Orfield Laboratories is a multi-sensory design research laboratory located in Minneapolis. It was founded in 1971 by Steven J. Orfield, a pioneer in the field of sensory design.

The laboratory is known for its groundbreaking work in creating environments that optimize the human sensory experience. One of its most remarkable achievements is the creation of the anechoic chamber, which is considered one of the quietest places on Earth.

1. Building the Anechoic Chamber: A Marvel of Engineering

The anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories is a true marvel of engineering. It is a six-sided steel double-walled box suspended by springs inside a five-sided steel-over chamber. The walls of the chamber are made of steel panels covered in acoustical wedges of fiberglass. These wedges are designed to absorb sound waves, preventing any echoes or reflections.

The chamber is carefully constructed to minimize any external noise interference. It is isolated from the rest of the building and sits on a foundation that helps reduce vibrations. This ensures that the room remains as quiet as possible, allowing visitors to experience true silence.

2. The Quietest Place on Earth: Guinness World Record Holder

The anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories has earned the prestigious title of the quietest place on Earth. In 2005 and 2013, it held the Guinness World Record for the lowest sound level, with a measurement of (-)24.9 dbA. To put this into perspective, a typical quiet bedroom measures around 30 dbA, while a whisper is around 20 dbA. The anechoic chamber is so silent that you can hear your own heartbeat and even the sound of your blood flowing through your veins.

Discover the Quietest Places on Earth

Video: Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy?

Now that we’ve explored the fascinating world of the anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories, let’s take a moment to discover some of the other quietest places on Earth. These locations offer a serene and peaceful environment where you can escape the noise of everyday life.

3. The Hoh Rainforest: Nature’s Symphony of Silence

Located in Olympic National Park, Washington, the Hoh Rainforest is known for its lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere. The dense canopy of trees acts as a natural sound barrier, creating a serene environment where you can immerse yourself in nature’s symphony of silence. Take a walk along the moss-covered trails and listen to the gentle rustling of leaves and the soothing sounds of the nearby river.

4. The Aletsch Glacier: A Frozen Oasis of Quiet

In the heart of the Swiss Alps, the Aletsch Glacier stretches for over 14 miles, making it the longest glacier in the Alps. As you venture into this icy wonderland, you’ll be greeted by a profound silence. The vast expanse of ice absorbs sound, creating a peaceful oasis where you can marvel at the beauty of nature undisturbed. Listen to the crackling of the ice and the distant rumble of avalanches as you explore this frozen paradise.

5. The Great Sand Dunes: A Desert Symphony

Nestled in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, the Great Sand Dunes National Park is home to the tallest sand dunes in North America. As you climb to the top of these towering dunes, you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking view and a sense of tranquility. The sand absorbs sound, creating a unique acoustic environment where even the softest whisper can be heard. Close your eyes and listen to the gentle breeze as it carries the sound of shifting sands.


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Is there a prize for staying in the quietest room?

While there isn’t a specific prize for staying in the quietest room at Orfield Laboratories, the experience itself is priceless. It offers a rare opportunity to disconnect from the noise of the world and immerse yourself in absolute silence. It’s an experience that can be both calming and introspective, allowing you to appreciate the power of silence.

Read more about “12 Surprising Things That Happen When You Stay in the World’s Quietest Room … 🔇”

Who beat the world record for staying in the quietest room?

As of our latest research, no one has officially beaten the world record for staying in the quietest room at Orfield Laboratories. The room’s sound level of (-)24.9 dbA remains unmatched. However, it’s worth noting that the challenge to stay in the room for an extended period is open to anyone who is willing to take on the experience.

Read more about “The World’s Quietest Room Hallucinations …”

What happens if you stay in the world’s quietest room?

Staying in the world’s quietest room can be a surreal experience. Without any external noise, your senses become heightened, and you may start to notice sounds that are usually drowned out by the background noise of everyday life. Some people report hearing the sound of their own blood flowing, the hum of their nervous system, or even the faintest rustling of their clothing. It’s a unique opportunity to explore the depths of your own perception and connect with your inner self.

Read more about “Can I Visit the World’s Quietest Room? … 😮”

Can you visit Orfield Labs’ quiet room?

Yes, you can visit Orfield Laboratories and experience the quietest room for yourself. However, it’s important to note that the room is primarily used for research purposes and is not open to the public for casual visits. If you’re interested in experiencing the room, you can participate in the “Orfield Challenge,” where you can rent the room for $600 an hour. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in absolute silence and explore the depths of your own perception.

Read more about “The Quietest Statistics: Discovering the Serene World of Silence … 🌍”


man using a gray laptop computer

In conclusion, the quietest room in the world, located at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis, is a testament to the power of silence. It offers a unique sensory experience that allows you to disconnect from the noise of the world and explore the depths of your own perception. The anechoic chamber, with its remarkable engineering and Guinness World Record status, is a true marvel that continues to captivate visitors from around the world.

If you’re seeking a moment of tranquility and a chance to reconnect with yourself, we highly recommend exploring the quietest places on Earth. From the serene Hoh Rainforest to the icy expanse of the Aletsch Glacier, these locations offer a respite from the noise of everyday life and a chance to immerse yourself in the beauty of silence.

So, are you ready to embark on a journey to the quietest room in the world? Experience the power of silence and discover a new level of sensory perception. The quiet awaits!

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